luni, 2 aprilie 2012

Cretura Lovers Contest!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So, this is the first contest on this blog. Thank you very much Nely for the book!
Opened INTERNATIONAL! Good luck and kisses!

52 de comentarii:

Henriette spunea...

Really nice!^^ You rock!

Christyna_BM spunea...

Foarte frumos, succes tuturor!

WaterSinger spunea...

I'd love a version of Creatura as I'm unable to buy any books at the moment (penniless author!) and I'm so ill that I can't even go to a library!!

sammy spunea...

would love to win this :)need some new reading material!

c.c spunea...

Thank you for the contest it would be a great win:)

andradarling spunea...

Multumim! Succes tuturor!

Kappi spunea...

I would love to win this because it's a signed copy, the contest is open internationally, and I have heard so many good things about it. Also, I fell in love with the cover when I first saw it. Thanks for the chance to win!! :)

Tiffany Holme spunea...

I would love to win it as I love the feel of a good book in my hands!! Nothing beats the feeling of a physical book right :)

Bex n Books spunea...

I'm having trouble sleeping
due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, I've decided
to confront my fear, to do this I need a signed copy all to my very self!

Unknown spunea...

I would love to read this book because it looks so cool since I've been seeing it around everywhere!!

Stacey spunea...

I've heard nothing but amazing things about this book. I'd so love a signed copy to put up on my indie author shelf. :)

Thanks so much for opening this to international peeps. :)

Dawn Cripps spunea...

I want to win Creatura for my friend Kysha...I know she would love it. I already have a signed copy and I can't wait till you finish the next book! <3

Unknown spunea...

Id love to win Creatura to give to a friend she loves your cover and of course has heard wonderful things about your book ;) it would make a wonderufl birthday present for her . ;)

crystalmbf spunea...

would love a chance to read this book, I've heard a lot of good things about it. thanks

Simona spunea...

Really awesome contest!
I'd like to win this book since it has an appealing plot and i read a few pages from the first chapter and i really liked it! :D

JenDavis spunea...

I would love to win a copy, it looks really good! Haven't had a chance to purchase it yet

Sandy spunea...

I'd love to win a copy of Creatura! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Brittany C. spunea...

Thank you for doing this giveaway :) I have been trying FOREVER to get a signed copy of Creatura! It would look BEAUTIFUL on my Indie Author shelf :)

Adryacola spunea...

Foarte taree!

Roxanne Hunter spunea...

I want to win this book because I'm so curious about it and I'm friends with Nely Cab on Facebook. I love her. She's awesome! It'd be great to read what she wrote.

Shainers spunea...

I would loove to read this!!! :D


Anubha spunea...

I would love to have this book... I fell in love with cover the first time I saw it and after hearing/reading great reviews and thoughts for this book I want to red it as early as possible... And winning it will he more awesome as I am out of pocket Money so no chance that I'll be able to buy it anywhere soon plus winning a book from author will make it a perfect birthday gift for me which is on 27th... :)

Thanks for giving a chance to win it... :)

Anonim spunea...

I want to win the book because I've heard so much awesome things about the book and also because I can't really afford any books right now. *sad face*
So fingers crossed! :)

Anonim spunea...

I've been wanting to read this book for a long time, so its a good opportunity to win it.

Unknown spunea...

As dori sa castig cartea deoarece am inteles ca este foarte interesanta si as vrea sa o citesc.

AmyC ~ spunea...

I've heard lots about it and I want to experience it!

dcb spunea...

I la will dragoste la spre a cîştiga un copie de A crea. I dragoste copertă şi la will dragoste un semn copie la spre a aduna la culegere de semn carte. ( i hope this makes sense. I used a generator to translate to Romanian)

KellyJay92 spunea...

Have been a fan on the facebook page for a while, and am really interested in this book and would loved a signed copy

Alexa spunea...

Sooo Nice!

Alexa spunea...

Vreau sa castig Creatura din simplul motiv ca am auzit o gramada de lucruri bune si laude la adresa ei. Chiar imi place cum suna ideea cartii

Emily's Madness spunea...

Multumim pentru concurs!!
Sãrut mâna"!:)

Emily's Madness spunea...

As vrea sa castig aceasta carte deoarece mi se pare draguta, si ideea si coperta, si cred ca merita citita.
Deci imi doresc aceasta carte pentru ca vreau sa o am biblioteca si sa o citesc cu mare drag.

ioana97 spunea...
Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.
ioana97 spunea...

As vrea sa castig cartea(eh, ca oricine care s-a inscris in concurs), dar, sincer, as vrea mai mult sa apara si la noi in tara ca sa se poata bucura mai multi de ea. Eu personal as vrea sa citesc cartea pentru ca ii gasesc descrierea fascinanta(atragatoare, chiar), dar in mod special datorita voua care va straduiti atat sa ii dati si o sansa la versiunea in romana...ceea ce imi spune ca aceasta carte este cel putin grozava, ca e ceva ce merita citit, chiar daca stii ca e ultima carte pe care o citesti inainte sa mori. Sper sa reusesc sa imi dau seama daca am dreptate sau nu.
Nororc tuturor, dar mai mult noroc pentru voi ca sa reusiti sa aduceti cartea si la noi!

mayabijoux spunea...

imi doresc cartea pentru ca am auzit numai lucruri bune despre ea, si imi doresc din tot sufletul s-o citesc!

Oana H. spunea...

Mi-ar placea sa castig aceasta carte deoarece imi place foarte mult descriere,si sunt o mare fana a cartilor despre Mitologie.

Anonim spunea...

super concurs.

imi doresc "Creatura" pentru ca m-ati facut foarte curioasa si vrea s-o citesc :)

emy spunea...

I really really want Creatura!First of all,because I had the change to know more about Nely Cab,and she is absolutely great!And a wonderful writer too!I want to read her book because I am so sure I will love it.And I love loving books,hihi.

Ioana spunea...

Mi se pare asa captivanta carea <3

Bianca spunea...

As vrea sa castig cartea deoarece mi se pare foarte interesanta.Plus..ador coperta!
Chiar daca se va publica sau nu si la noi eu oricum o voi citii:X:X

Oky spunea...

I've been added Creatura in my Goodreads's wishlist since 12, December 2011 and still wish to have it until now.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway :D

Cristina Criss spunea...

Pare o carte foarte interesanta, mi-as dori sa am norocul sa o castig :)

JustLaugh spunea...

Am auzit atatea despre carte acum trebuie sa o citesc imi place subiectul si coperta e ciudata, dar ma atrage.:))

Law spunea...

I want to win this book because I read so much things about the book and about Nely and she convince me...
Also the interview with her was funny and I like her..
I'm curious about how she wrote the book and the subjet is too interesting..:)

Cipryan spunea...

chiar as dori sa citesc cartea auzit foarte multe pareri bune despre ea si m-a facut curios.

ByBy spunea...

Am auzit numai vorbe bune despre aceasta carte si chiar as vrea s-o incerc :)

Diana spunea...

I love this book

ioana alexandra spunea...

superb concursul
succes tuturor!

ioana alexandra spunea...

si chiar as vrea sa castig, deoarece descrierea cartii imi place foarte mult

Anonim spunea...

Multumim pentru concurs!

Niahara spunea...

I'd love to win the Creatura book because I've heard many great things about it and it sounds like an awesome novel

amccuen319 spunea...

I would LOVE a signd copy of CREATURA!!! Anything by Nely Cab is amazing!!! :)